Former LTTE Eastern Commander and Resettlement Deputy Minister Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna invited leading LTTE Diaspora activist V. Rudrakumaran and his followers to visit Sri Lanka and witness first hand the ongoing development in the North and East.“The pro-LTTE Diaspora has been brainwashed. People like Rudrakumaran have formed the so called transnational government and have mobilized people (in the diaspora). What we have to do is to work around them. We have to invite all of them here to witness the ongoing development work and to see how happy the people are,” he said.Muralitharan said the members of the Disapora should not be neglected. “We shouldn’t neglect the diaspora, because all of them are Sri Lankans. If we neglect the Dispora the problems will continue to crop up. We have to deal with them, talk and explain matters to them. This way the problems can be solved,” he said.The Deputy Minister pointed out that the External Affairs Ministry has to take the initiative in this regard. “The External Affairs Ministry must make sure that this dialogue is organized, many who have come to the country and seen what is happening have told me that they realize the true picture (and not the false propaganda)” he said.“Some of these people of the diaspora need a problem for personal gains like getting their PR and other things, so for them there will always be a problem” he said.Commenting on the presence of Military in the North, the Deputy Minister denied allegations that the Army was taking over civilian land. “The army is there for the safety and the presence is like it is in any other part of this country. There is no land grabbing or anything of the sort” he said.