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JVP, TNA condemn Malaysian incident

The protesters in Malaysia who carried out a demonstration, during the International Conference of… … Asian Political Parties, against former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, did not represent the voice of the People in the North of Sri Lanka, Chief Opposition Whip Anura Kumara Dissanayake asserted in Parliament yesterday.

The JVP Leader remarked that this was clear by the way the people of the North rejected the demands of the Tamil Diaspora and refused to boycott the last election.

He added that those involved in the protest were not Sri Lankans, “If the voice of the people of the North were in concurrence with that of the Diaspora and other extremists, we would be facing a bigger problem. As such, this Parliament, as a whole, should categorically condemn this incident.”

Furthermore, the Chief Opposition Whip charged that Malaysian authorities had failed to provide adequate security to those representing Sri Lanka.”Malaysian authorities should have taken steps to provide additional security, especially since the days leading up to this incident showed clear signs of unrest.”

Meanwhile, Leader of the TNA, R Samapanthan too condemned the attack on the Lankan High Commissioner to Malaysia.”I too condemn this dastardly act. We should demand maximum action against those responsible. Our country is on the path to reconciliation. We should not let these incidents harm the process of reconciliation.”

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