Home » Breaking News » Ranil’s Brother Niraj Wickremesinghe To Take Up Basil Rajapaksa’s Position!

Ranil’s Brother Niraj Wickremesinghe To Take Up Basil Rajapaksa’s Position!

While President Mahinda Rajapaksa has appointed his brother, Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa as the campaign manager of the UPFA, UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe is to appoint his younger brother, Niraj Wickremesinghe, as the campaign manager of the party for the upcoming presidential polls.

This decision has been taken in a context where the United National Party has still not taken a final decision about its presidential candidate. The pendulum, at the moment, swings between UNP Leader Ranil Wcikremesinghe and its Leadership Council Chairman Karu Jayasuriya.

It is now clear that Niraj Wickremesinghe, Chief Executive Officer of the TNL Group, will handle the election campaign of the party, regardless of the presidential candidate supported by the main opposition party.

When asked about this, a senior Parliamentarian of the main opposition told the Asian Mirror that the party has not made any such in an official capacity. “The presidential election has not yet been announced and there is no decision on the UNP’s presidential candidate. However, if the party decides to field the UNP Leader as the party’s presidential candidate, then he can appoint anyone to handle his campaign,” the Parliamentarian added.

However, this underscores the fact that UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, who earlier gave his consent to field a common candidate, is now trying to tighten his grip on the candidature.

Meanwhile, highly placed UNP sources told Asian Mirror that the party would make its final decision on the presidential candidate this week. The presidential election, is likely to be announced by the President, on November 19.

TELO Media Team 1