Move to use PTA and Penal Code to restrict freedom of expression: NPP

While denouncing the use of Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and the section 120 of the penal code to restrict the right to freedom of expression, National Peoples’ Power (NPP) today urged the government to uphold democratic values, ensure fundamental rights of the people and to follow rule of law by ensuring national security in the country.

NPP said in a statement that they have observed a tendency of using the PTA,section 120 of the penal code and provisions of the ICCPR Act as tools to restrict the fundamental rights, the right to justice in law, equality and the right to equality before the law.

“We strongly condemn the use of law enforcement authorities to restrict the freedom of speech and expression ensured by the Constitution.We condemn and reject the attack on journalist Chamuditha Samarawickrame’s residence and the arrest of social activist Shehan Malaka,” the NPP said.

The NPP said they were perturbed by the attack on journalist Chamuditha’s residence which was located in a secured place with CCTV cameras and added that they believed that any gang without political blessing would not have resorted to such an attack.

The NPP said the attack on Chamuditha’s residence gives a warning that an armed force with similar powers to the government armed forces was raising its head beyond the control of the police and law enforcement agencies.