Sarath Fonseka doubts country will develop even if they form a govt

Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka says he does not believe that the country will develop just because the ‘Samagi Jana Balawegaya’ comes to power.

“This country will not develop because we form a government. On the other side there are economic experts. We also have great people,” he said addressing an event.

Referring to the ruling party and the main opposition, the SJB parliamentarian said there are experts on both sides, however this country is not developing.

“Why is it not developing? Because of corruption and misuse. There is no accountability, no responsibility.”

He said that therefore no matter what economic expert comes they will only balance things out. “If the country has no production, the country will not go up on one side. On the other side its corruption.”

He said that if their party is to truly be different to the others, they have to understand this fact and work on that line. “If the party leader was here, I would give this message in the same way.”

“I told him (party leader) in Badulla that you should never even mention the name of Ranasinghe Premadasa ever again. Because there is no point in that now,” he emphasized.

“We definitely need to make our journey. Our leaders need to become better.”