Schools in Jaffna will be closed for a week from tomorrow

All schools in the Jaffna Education Zone will be closed for a week from tomorrow, Jaffna District Secretary Kanapathipillai Maheshan said.

The decision has been taken considering the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Jaffna.

Jaffna Public Health Inspectors say that the Jaffna District Covid Suppression Committee held today (28) has decided to temporarily close all the schools under the Jaffna Education Zonal Office for the next one week.

Jaffna Public Health Inspectors said that only schools within the Jaffna Zonal Education Office limits will be temporarily closed for the safety of children due to the high incidence of Covid cases reported across the Jaffna Municipal Council boundary and the Tirunelveli area in Jaffna.

According to the Public Health Inspectors, the District Covid Suppression Committee has decided to inform the decision to the Northern Province Education Secretary on the recommendation of the Governor of the Northern Province.

Several areas within the Jaffna Municipal Council city limits were placed under isolation last week due to the high number of patients reported from the Jaffna District during the past week.

The Public Health Inspectors said that due to the prevailing health hazard, travel restrictions have been imposed on a part of Jaffna city and a village in the Tirunelveli area in Jaffna.