Sri Lanka allows vaccinated tourists without quarantine after PCR test

Sri Lanka will allow vaccinated tourists to travel around the country without quarantine if a Coronavirus test taken after landing is negative, the island’s tourism authority said.

“Once the ‘Day One’ PCR test report is negative, travellers will be able to leave the Level 1 Hotel and enjoy their holiday, they will be required to undergo a PCR test once again on the seventh day during their travels at a Ministry of Health approved laboratory,” Sri Lanka Tourism said.

A vaccinated person can get Coronavirus, but usually in a milder form, which however can be deadly to anyone who meets them.

All travellers will also have to produce a PCR test taken 72 hours before boarding to the airline and get a electronic visa and purchase a mandatory Covid-19 insurance for 12 dollar which provides a 50,000 dollar cover for a 30 day stay.

Sri Lanka earlier allowed tourists to travel under a ‘bio-bubble’ with multiple PCR test for 14-days.

“These measures have helped curb the spread of the pandemic while preventing new variants from entering the island,” Kimarli Fernando, Chairperson of Sri Lanka Tourism said.

“With the success of the National vaccination rollout programme, we are ready to commence operations as usual for fully -vaccinated arrivals and the tourism industry is well prepared to welcome our international travellers while ensuring the safety and security of our communities.”

All other visitors who are not vaccinated or not vaccinated will have to stay in a Level 1 hotel and take the required tests.

Travel restrictions will however still apply to certain countries, travellers with a travel history (including transit) in the past

Visitors with a 14 day travel history to India, Vietnam, South America, South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia will not be permitted to disembark in Sri Lanka.