The Prime Minister should take steps to appoint professionals and capable people through the National List to the ministry posts, said the Media Spokesman of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO), Suren Gurusuwamy.
He said appointing capable people through the National List is the way forward to change the system within the country and this will be the only way to revive the country from the present crisis. “The former government and Parliamentarians have failed in managing the economy of the country and they have put the country in this situation today,” he added.
“The international community and the people of the country have lost faith in these Parliamentarians and appointing the same people of the former ruling party to a different ministerial post will not bring expected results to end the present crisis. Further, this strategy will not bring confidence to the citizens again about the Government,” he said.
He further said the donors have lost faith in the former ruling party members and therefore they are unwilling to provide assistance to the country.
“People started agitating against the Parliamentarians due to their failure to manage the economy and this is the main reason for the people to demand the resignation of ruling party members of Parliament. People mainly demanded the President resign immediately, similar to the resignation of the former Prime Minister, and to replace them with competent professionals,” Gurusuwamy said.
Meanwhile, Gurusuwamy further said competent professionals may not be found in Parliament, and suitable people should be sourced from society and appointed as National List MPs. “This will not only help the country move in the right direction, but will also help to win back the confidence of the citizens and the international community, especially the donors,” he said.