The Russian embassy expressed concerns over the western pressure on Sri Lanka regarding human rights while the very same forces are having a separate stand on the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan etc.
In a statement, the embassy said it has noted increased external pressure on Sri Lanka with regard to the human rights situation in the country.
“Numerous western political figures, diplomats and foreign quasi human rights organizations have come up with their critical statements and abundant observations.
“In spite of the fact that the above-mentioned personalities and entities are well known for their policy of double standards, the Embassy as the official representation of the Russian Federation would like once again to express its perplexity by the way those “ambassadors of justice” see things. Why are they reticent about the Gaza situation? Why don’t they provide their assessments of the humanitarian damage the NATO caused to Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and other regions to which the Alliance aims to export its “freedom and democracy”? What hinders them to look into the matter of Russian speaking minorities being oppressed in Baltic countries? Why do they finally omit and even indulge the atrocities by the Nazi regime of Zelenskyy in respect of his own people?
“Answers to these questions are partially known but the public community definitely wants to hear them loud,” the embassy said.