Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) president K Selvaperunthagai on Thursday criticised BJP president K Annamalai for his remarks against former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for giving Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka.
In a statement, Selvaperunthagai defended Indira Gandhi, saying Katchatheevu was given to Sri Lanka as “strategic step”.
The island covers an area of 285 acres, which is not fit for human habitation, he said, adding in the same agreement, the fishermen of Tamil Nadu were given the right to fish in the Wage Bank in Kanniyakumari south, which is under the control of Sri Lanka government, to compensate Katchatheevu.
Further questioning Annamalai, Selvaperunthagai asked what the BJP had done for stopping Sri Lanka from arresting 530 Tamil Nadu fishermen and auctioning 73 of their boats.
Source: New Indian Express