Another cabinet reshuffle on the cards?

Rumors are rife that another cabinet reshuffle by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is on the cards, this will most likely happen upon the return to the country of Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa, the Daily Mirror learns.

Political sources said that some key ministers might face a shuffle, in a last-minute announcement by the President, similar to the cabinet reshuffle which took place in August.

Sources said that this was discussed before Minister Basil left the country and is likely to be carried out upon his return.

Several key ministers when questioned last night said they were unaware of the reshuffle but confirmed that they too had heard the rumors circulating within the government.

However, who will face changes or come under the axe is yet to be revealed. In the cabinet reshuffle in August, the cabinet of ministers were left in the dark till a last-minute announcement was made by President Rajapaksa.