Gota Go Village listed on google maps

Gota Go Village has been listed on google maps, showing the direction for motorists trying to reach the location.

The village has been listed as a bus stop in Colombo and directs motorists to the place where the protest against President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is currently underway.

The village has a 5 star rating and over 550 reviews as of 17th April.

The #GoHomeGota protest was launched opposite the Presidential Secretariat on 9th April.

The protesters began to stay at Galle Face since 9th April with tents and portable toilets also being installed.

The protest was launched over the President’s failure to prevent the economic crisis which has affected Sri Lanka.

He and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa have also been accused of corruption by the protesters.

The protest was named Occupy Galle Face and the site of the protest was named Gota Go Gama.

Religious leaders have also extended their support to the protest and held religious observances at the site.

The traditional Sinhala and Tamil New Year was also celebrated at the site of the protest.