President Ranil Wickremesinghe has instructed Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena to look into the possibility of invalidating the nominations accepted for the postponed 2023 Local Government (LG) election.
Joining the Cabinet press briefing held this morning (14), Cabinet Spokesman Minister Bandula Gunawardena stated that accordingly, President Wickremesinghe has called on the Prime Minister to seek legal advice from the Attorney General in this regard.
Furthermore, the Head of the State has directed the Premier to discuss with other political parties regarding the nullifying of the accepted nominations, the Minister added.
Gunawardena also revealed that the instructions were given considering the fact that the government employees who have submitted nominations for the LG polls have undergone multiple issues in engaging in their jobs and during other activities.
The Prime Minister was advised to initiate discussions with the Attorney General, the Election Commissioner, and party leaders to arrange the Local Government election within the upcoming year, the Cabinet Spokesman expressed, highlighting that these elections will follow the previous system, incorporating women’s representation as well.