Tamil Progressive Alliance (TPA) leader Mano Ganesan, MP, has thanked the Colombo-based diplomatic community for their respective roles as friends and development partners of Sri Lanka during this crisis period in obtaining IMF assistance. Lawmaker Ganesan was among the Opposition delegation that met diplomats at the meeting arranged by the office of Leader of Opposition Sajith Premadasa.
Sajith led the opposition MPs group that included Mano Ganesan, Rauf Hakeem, M.A. Sumanthiran, G.L. Pieris, Harsha de Silva, Eran Wickremaratne, Kabir Hasheem and Lakshman Kiriella. The US, India, UK, Japan, EU, Canada, France, News Zealand and Italy were represented.
Ganesan said, on the subject of restoration of democracy, his party while stressing on LG elections, considers PC elections that are shelved, as equally important. He also said that the government agreed to conduct PC elections under proportional system at the select committee on electoral reform.
TPA leader insisted that all conditional grant-assistance of development partners meant for welfare beneficiaries shall reach the most vulnerable poverty stricken food insecure plantation sector under affirmative principles to serve the very purpose. Current listing process of beneficiaries is politically flawed, Ganesan noted to the DPL community.