Government of Sri Lanka’s (GoSL’s) nondemand-pull inflationary face value money printing (FVMP) debt increased by Rs 13,092.72 million, thereby upping GoSL’s FVMP debt as a whole to a new record high of Rs 1,556,004.13 million (Rs 1.5560 trillion) yesterday. GoSL’s FVMP debt has been over Rs 1 trillion for a record 39 consecutive market days to yesterday due to a lack of revenue. GoSL’s highest to the twelfth highest FVMP debt has been registered in the 12 consecutive market days to yesterday, though not necessarily in a particular order.
The highest, Rs 1.5560 trillion being registered yesterday, second highest (Rs 1.5429 trillion) on Monday, third highest FVMP debt of Rs 1.5409 trillion recorded on Friday (9 September), fourth highest figure of Rs 1.5324 trillion registered on Wednesday (8 September), fifth highest figure of Rs 1.5307 trillion on Tuesday (7 September), sixth highest figure of Rs 1.5306 trillion on Thursday (9 September), seventh highest figure of Rs 1.5285 trillion on Friday 3 September, eighth highest figure of Rs 1.5279 trillion on Monday 6 September, ninth highest figure of Rs 1.5118 trillion on Thursday 2 September, tenth highest figure of Rs 1.4991 trillion on Wednesday 1 September, eleventh highest figure of Rs 1.3658 trillion) on 31 August and the twelfth highest figure of Rs 1.3177 trillion on 30 August.