A sum of Rs 20 million has been provided to SLPP MP Sanath Nishantha as compensation for his home that was torched on 9 May.
The MP stated that he had received the said amount for his losses and the damages caused as he had paid his insurance as a businessman. Nishantha added that as a big-time businessman in the Puttalam District and that having estimated the value of his house and land, a sum of Rs 22 million had been provided to him as compensation.
The MP explained that he has no issues with regard to the said sum as he had received it for his work as a businessman and asserted that the sum does not belong either to the State or it concerns the public.
He charged that his house was not damaged by floods or tornados but set ablaze by protesters and mentioned that he had spent a sum of Rs 100 million to build it. He insisted that by current rates, it would be impossible for it to be even built for Rs 200 million.
Source:Ceylon Today