Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe has said he will re-convene the Wages Board to mandate a 1,700 rupees a day wage for plantations workers again, according to a speech made in Kandy, his media office said.
Due to a defect in the procedure in mandating the daily wage, Court suspended its operation after planation companies went to court and the gazette was withdrawn.
Plantation managers want a productivity linked wage structure like in small holder sector, to boost yields and already has a scheme in operation in many plantations which allows workers to earn different wages.
President Wickremesinghe had said that 7 companies have agreed to pay the wage of 1,700 rupees a day.
If necessary special laws will be brought to enforce the wage, he was quoted as saying.
Government ministers have also threatened to expropriate the plantations, potentially undermining property rights and the investment environment of the country, over the wage controversy.
Plantations were expropriated after independence and the move along with central bank liquidity operations which triggered forex shortages, import and exchange controls are blamed for Sri Lanka being a lagging nation in Asia.
Unions including the Ceylon Workers Congress are supporting the state mandated wages.