Several parties including the Tamil National Alliance is reported to have submitted nominations for the three provincial councils which were dissolved recently. The TNA had handed in nominations for the Eastern province at the Trincomalee District Election office while the United Socialist Party had handed in nominations for the Eastern province at the Trincomalee, Ampara & Batticaloa election offices.Meanwhile the Janasetha Front had handed in their nominations at the Ampara, Batticaloa and Rathnapura election offices.Moreover the number of independent groups which have placed cash deposits for the Eastern provincial polls stands at 29.Furthermore an independent political party contesting for the North Central Provincial Council handed in its nominations over at the Polonnaruwa elections office today.6 independent groups have placed their cash deposits for the polls in the North Central Province at present.Meanwhile it is also reported that the Liberal party had handed in it’s nominations at the Rathnapura Elections office while the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress had handed in nominations at the Kegalle & Rathnapura elections offices.