Russia says there is no evidence to back claims Sri Lankans are involved in the Ukraine war.
The Russian Embassy in Colombo said that it does not have any information about the participation of Sri Lankan nationals in the Ukrainian conflict on the Russian side.
“Neither we are aware of a local recruiting agency which ostensibly hires people to join such activities while deceiving about their true nature,” the Embassy said.
The Embassy also denied any connections with the return to Sri Lanka of a corporal who allegedly fled from the combat zone.
“We would like to note that protection of interests and rights of Sri Lankan citizens in the territory of Russia is under the jurisdiction of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow. At the same time the Embassy finds it necessary to stress that visas are issued to Sri Lankans by its Consular Section in Colombo on the basis of valid documents of applicants in confirmation of their travel goals which have nothing to do with military operations,” the Embassy said.
In order to prevent the entrance of persons with such intentions to Russia, the Embassy conducts additional interviews with them.
“However, if the Sri Lankans decide to change their travel goal or nature of activity performed in Russia, we cannot impede them to act so. We would like to reiterate that the issues related to foreigners residing in Russia fall within the competence of relevant diplomatic representations in Moscow while the Russian Embassy in Colombo is in charge of protection of the Russian citizens’ in Sri Lanka,” the Embassy said.
The Embassy also said that it is prepared to provide available information if an official request is received from Sri Lanka.