Trinco remembers 5 slain schoolboys

An afternoon remembrance in Trincomalee marked the 2006 killing of five schoolboys in Trincomalee blamed on the STF.

On 02 January, parents, relatives, friends and social activists gathered at the Gandhi statue roundabout, where the photographs of the victims were garlanded and lamps were lit to their memory.

Manoharan Rajihar, Yogaraja Hemachandran, Shanmugarajah Gajendran, Logidaraja Rohan and Thangaturai Sivananda were gunned down near the beachfront Fort Frederick 19 years ago.

Two others escaped the shooting.

The then Mahinda Rajapaksa regime denied having any connection to the murders.

But, a Tamil journalist exposed the circumstances of their death.

Just 22 days later, Subramaniam Sugirtharajan himself was shot and killed.

He posted pictures of the five schoolboys in ‘Sudaroli’ newspaper in Jaffna to prove they were murdered.

Parents took the murders to the courts and several STF men were arrested on suspicion.

They were released subsequently.

The five students’ killing is not included in the seven high profile crimes which the present government has decided to reinvestigate.

100 days of AKD presidency: So far so good, notwithstanding hiccups

It is a long journey from the house near the signal post at Thambuththegama Railway Station in Anuradhapura to the President’s House at Janadhipathi Mawatha, in the heart of Colombo.

In the lead-up to the presidential election, at one particular interview, then-presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake related how his humble home next to the railway line at Thambuththegama had no designated address but would receive letters addressed to the ‘house near the signal post at the Thambuththegama Railway Station.’ If anything, that poignant recollection brings home the enormity of the transformation the Sri Lankan polity has undergone with the elevation of Dissanayake to the presidency, where he has spent exactly one hundred days as of today.

To say that Dissanayake has come up the hard way is an understatement. Unlike any of his eight predecessors, he had to go underground during the crackdown on the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) by the Ranasinghe Premadasa government in the late 1980s to save his life. Thirty-five years later, Dissanayake defeated Ranasinghe Premadasa’s son Sajith at the presidential election to become Executive President, Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

Was Dissanayake simply lucky, being at the right place at the right time when discontent over more established political parties spilled over during the economic crisis under Gotabaya Rajapaksa, or was there more to it than that? Hindsight suggests the latter.

Arguably, the turning point was the formation of the Jathika Jana Balavegaya (JJB), better known by its English acronym, the NPP (National Peoples’ Power), in July 2019, four months prior to the presidential election that year. Someone in the JVP hierarchy, quite possibly Dissanayake himself, though we do not know this for certain, realised that the JVP, with its traditional leftist image, carrying photos of Marx and Lenin at every May Day procession, will not appeal to the average Sri Lankan voter. Besides, there was the historical baggage that the JVP was burdened with: the insurrections it staged in 1971 and 1987-89, both of which cost the lives of thousands of youths. Older voters who remember that carnage almost instinctively shied away from the JVP.

Thus was born the NPP. The strategy was obvious: to make this new entity, though still dominated by the ‘cadre’ of the JVP, more appealing to the public by gathering various organisations to support it, thereby shedding the ‘hardcore’ image of the JVP. Fittingly, its colour was not red, the universal colour of socialists, but the softer pink. If awards are given for political marketing, whoever devised this approach deserves one.

Fine tuning

Into this newly engineered milieu entered Dissanayake. He was already the leader of the JVP, having taken over the party reins after Somawansa Amerasinghe’s retirement in 2014. Many of the Old Guard were eased out of the party hierarchy, save for a faithful few such as Tilvin Silva and Nihal Galappathy. Dissanayake contested the 2019 presidential election and secured three percent of the vote and was ridiculed for that. If anything, that three percent would have motivated the NPP think-tanks to fine-tune their strategy. The 2022 uprising, the ‘aragalaya’ as everyone called it, gave them the opening they needed. Coming events cast their shadows: when Sajith Premadasa visited the ‘aragalaya’ at Galle Face, he was jeered, threatened, and chased away; Dissanayake was not. That was to become an eerie premonition of the outcome of the presidential election.

Dissanayake’s rise to power was based on the ‘unuth ekai, munuth ekai’ train of thought, that the so-called ‘established’ parties are all the same, which most voters came to conclude by late 2024. That some of them still had reservations about the role of the JVP in the NPP was evident because he polled only 42 percent of the vote. Among that 42 percent was a significant proportion who were voting for Dissanayake not because they believed he was the ideal choice as president but because they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for any of the other candidates. In an interview, after he became president, Dissanayake himself was candid enough to admit that he expected to die as a revolutionary who fought for the cause that he believed in but not as someone who realised the dream of his party ever gaining power.

In power and place, Dissanayake has set about the task of dismantling the grandeur and the ceremonial trappings that surrounded his office. His swearing-in lasted less than thirty minutes. He scrapped the gun salutes and ‘jayamangala gatha’ for the opening of Parliament. He travels not in a motorcade but with one or two backup vehicles. All this provides devotees of the NPP with reasons to sing his praises on social media and say that ‘system change’ is in full swing, but governing a country is much more than just the optics.

Crucially, Dissanayake’s first steps were in the right direction. His choice of Harini Amarasuriya as prime minister when he could have opted for Vijitha Herath is a case in point. He was preferring a Colombo-based lady—educated at Bishops College and Delhi and Edinburgh University—who epitomised the upper middle class and was from the NPP instead of a homegrown former minister who had been with the JVP for decades. Again, the signal was that this was not just the ‘old JVP’.

Record mandate

In contrast to campaign rhetoric, Dissanayake also chose not to rock the boat—or, in this case, the Ship of State—too much, or not at all. The agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) wasn’t torn up, nor was its Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) renegotiated. Nandalal Weerasinghe and Mahinda Siriwardena were retained as Central Bank Governor and Treasury Secretary, respectively.

These decisions, taken early on before the general election, paid dividends. The NPP secured a record mandate with nine seats in excess of a two-thirds majority. Its votes grew from 5.7 million to 6.8 million in seven weeks. Minutes after swearing in his twenty-one ministers, Dissanayake told them, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” What he didn’t tell them, at least not in so many words, is that with great power comes great responsibility.

How has President Anura Kumara Dissanayake and his government exercised that responsibility? If the President has been treading cautiously, the same cannot be said of some of his colleagues. That led to what could be called the first real setback of his presidency, the controversy over former Speaker Ashoka Ranwala’s qualifications.

The Ranwala saga will be a mere footnote in Sri Lanka’s parliamentary history, but it is how the issue was handled that raised eyebrows. Was the NPP unaware of the credentials of its own members? Why was the matter allowed to dominate headlines for a dozen days when it could have been nipped in the bud? Why did it require the President himself to intervene for a resignation to materialise? The government did emerge with its reputation intact because Ranwala resigned, but it managed to do so only just in the nick of time and by throwing some diversionary mud across the floor of the House at the educational qualifications of opposition MPs.

There is also a growing feeling that, in the absence of an effective opposition, the NPP is becoming its own opposition. That is not only because of what NPP speakers said during the election campaigns but also because of what they are saying now.

When Cabinet Spokesman Nalinda Jayatissa was grilled about Ranwala, his response was that ‘we didn’t consider it above the knees’. Kalutara District parliamentarian Nilanthi Kottahachchi, who shot to fame saying she would recover stolen funds from Uganda and then retracted those comments, now says that the people have a right to call a lie a truth and vice versa, so that maybe what she was doing all along.

Trade Minister Wasantha Samarasinghe seems to believe that the Mafia is headquartered in Sri Lanka because he sees a ‘rice mafia’ when rice prices rise and a ‘coconut mafia’ when coconut prices increase. Justice Minister Harshana Nanayakkara makes a beeline to the Criminal Investigations Department to complain about someone adding a ‘Dr.’ title to him on the Parliament website and waxes eloquent about ‘fleas remaining though the dog has left,’ only to find that the Office of the Leader of the House has also referred to him as ‘Dr.’!

Even Prime Minister Harini Amarasuriya appeared to shoot the messenger when she said the ‘Republic of China’ instead of ‘People’s Republic of China’ and then accused the media of trying to create a rift between Sri Lanka and China. Had the Premier offered an unqualified ‘mea culpa’ for the gaffe she made, it would have been forgotten by now. Instead, it is still being talked of because of her response. Taken together with Minister Nanayakkara’s refusal to grant a media interview, saying he needed ‘approval’ from the party hierarchy, questions are being raised about the government’s commitment to sincerity and transparency in everything that they do.

This list can go on. This is probably what former President Ranil Wickremesinghe alluded to when he said that ‘experience’ was required to govern. Right at this time, the 100-day mark of the Dissanayake presidency, the general public is willing to forgive and forget these lapses for two reasons. Firstly, they realise that the government is on a steep learning curve. Secondly, because they still retain faith in Dissanayake’s integrity; they believe that when tough decisions need to be made, he will do what is right, regardless, as he did with Ranwala.

However, President Dissanayake would do well to remember that at least two of his predecessors, Maithripala Sirisena and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, also enjoyed similar cult-like followings in the early stages of their presidencies, only to end up as unmitigated disasters. The time will come, slowly but surely, when people will expect to see the results that Dissanayake promised when he was campaigning—and they will hold him to account.

At least on several issues, it can be said that he is on the right track. Economically, he has not dared to change course after receiving advice that this would be disastrous. The results are slowly emerging: the country’s credit rating was upgraded recently, even though it is still far from what is desirable.

Dissanayake’s visit to India also suggested that he is a fast learner. There was no anti-Indian sabre-rattling prior to the trip, despite the JVP’s past concerns about ‘Indian expansionism’. If the visit was a carefully choreographed drama, Dissanayake didn’t put a foot wrong, even if he walked too briskly at the guard of honour. Such was the rapport between Delhi and its newfound friend in Colombo that it reportedly even agreed not to mention the 13th Amendment!

Then, the ‘clean’ government that the NPP promised hasn’t been breached, at least for now. All the ridiculing and criticism about the NPP government and the actions of its stalwarts have been directed at policy issues and inefficiency, not corruption. If Dissanayake can maintain that track record with a tight leash on his ministers and MPs, that will be a first in recent Lankan political history.

Two major issues

Against all these pluses, there are two major issues that are lingering in the background that were also the two main slogans of the NPP during their campaigns: ‘catching thieves’ and ‘punishing offenders’ (bringing to justice those responsible for financial fraud and major crimes) and abolishing the executive presidency.

The people understand and appreciate that legal action against wrongdoers cannot be done through instant justice from a kangaroo court. They are waiting patiently and have been told that some cases have been prioritised. There will, however, come a time when that patience will run out as it did with the ‘yahapalanaya’ regime. That history must not be repeated.

Even after assuming duties as executive president, Dissanayake, when asked about the executive presidency, said that he still hoped to be the last executive president because a new Constitution adopted by the NPP government would do away with that office. Even for those who do not doubt his sincerity, there is a sense of déjà vu about that statement. Besides, constitutional reform hasn’t been in the headlines of late. Dissanayake must know that J.R. Jayewardene introduced his new Constitution in September 1978, only a year and two months after assuming office in July 1977. The moral of the story, as per the pithy Sinhala saying, is that, even if you are going to hell, go early.

If Dissanayake stays the course economically and runs a corruption-free government, when the time of reckoning comes, be it in five years or at whatever other timeframe he chooses, it is likely that he will be judged on the issue of punishing offenders and abolishing the executive presidency. That will be the yardstick for the possible re-election of an NPP government.

With all other major political parties seemingly in disarray, leaderless, or led by leaders handicapped by various issues, Dissanayake and the NPP must understand the changing electoral dynamics of the country. There are no longer ‘hardcore’ party supporters. For the NPP to record the kind of victory it did on November 14, the vast majority of those who voted for the ‘Pohottuwa’ in 2019 must have voted for the ‘Maalimaawa’ in 2024. In a country where there are no longer ‘kepuwath kola paata’ or ‘kepuwath nil paata’ voters, there certainly will not be ‘kepuwath rosa paata’ voters. If Dissanayake and his government disappoint, the swing against it will be as massive and as swift as it was towards it.

President Anura Kumara Dissanayake has completed 100 days of his presidency. He has 1725 days left. His case is still being heard. It is too early for judgment. However, the boy from Thambuththegama, as Chandrika Kumaratunga called him, which she said was an endearing term and was not intended to be derogatory, must also remember that the court of public opinion is always in session.

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Who would want to assassinate him? Fonseka responds to alleged threats on MR’s life

There was no threat to Mahinda Rajapaksa’s life, even during the war, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka said, alleging that the LTTE had a special connection to the former President.

“No attempts were made to assassinate or bomb him even during the war. Did he wage the war alone? Did we not fight in the war?” Fonseka questioned.

“In 2005, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s manifesto condemned war and stressed achieving peace through talks with Prabhakaran. The LTTE harboured no anger toward Mahinda. In fact, in 2005, the LTTE was given USD 2 million to purchase suicide attack boats. Mahinda Rajapaksa maintained a significant connection with the LTTE. Just before the war ended, he declared a ceasefire—against our judgment—to allow Prabhakaran and other leaders to escape. For these reasons, the LTTE would never pose a threat to Mahinda Rajapaksa,” he alleged.

“As the Army Commander during the war, my entire security detail was removed in 2010 immediately after the Presidential election results were announced. Were there no security threats to me at that time?” he asked.

Fonseka also said that during his prison sentence, he was housed with inmates who were members of the LTTE and received no special security.

“When I appeared in court while serving my sentence, I sat on the same bench as the terrorist who accompanied the suicide bomber that tried to take my life,” Fonseka said.

When questioned by journalists about reports of a planned drone attack against the former President, Fonseka said he could not imagine anyone wanting to assassinate Rajapaksa.

“Drones are expensive, even costlier than MIG airplanes. There’s no reason to target Mahinda Rajapaksa at such a great expense. Countries like the US or Russia could afford such measures, but who would want to assassinate him?”

Fonseka noted that, as the former Army Commander, his current security detail consists of only 17 police officers. “A 30-member team is sufficient for the former President,” he said.


No threat from Indian Air Force training drone found in Trinco

An investigation into the recovery of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in Sri Lankan waters, believed to be a high-speed target drone belonging to the Indian Air Force, has revealed that the drone was not operated within Sri Lankan airspace, the Daily Mirror learns.

The Sri Lanka Air Force has appointed a three-member special committee following the recovery of the drone by a group of fishermen approximately 35 nautical miles off the Trincomalee coast on December 27, 2024.

It was earlier revealed that the drone is a target drone typically used by defence forces during training exercises.

Air Force spokesman Group Captain Eranda Geeganage said that the committee had submitted an initial report to the Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force after completing the investigation.

The committee reported that the drone posed no threat, as it contained no explosives, cameras, or GPS.

According to the committee, the drone may have drifted into Sri Lankan waters and could have been there for at least two weeks.

“We believe the drone was not operated in our air defence zone. If any country uses our air defence zone, they usually inform us. However, neither any defence forces nor we detected this type of drone operating in our airspace. Therefore, we think the training may have occurred far from our zone,” Group Captain Geeganage said.

The spokesman also said that they are in the process of verifying the country of origin of the drone.

However, it is questionable why no country or company has come forward to claim ownership of the drone.

The words Shikra and Target can be seen on the wings of the drone, while Anadrone appears on the tail fin.

Anadrone Systems Pvt Ltd is a defence company based in India, specializing in the design, development, and deployment of advanced unmanned aerial systems and defence technologies.

A similar type of aircraft was found by a group of fishermen near the Talapada estuary in August 2020, which was likely tested at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur.

Group Captain Geeganage said that the committee had recommended that relevant counterparts work on gathering additional information to facilitate the transfer of the drone.

It has been reported that once the final report is completed, local authorities will inform the Indian High Commission about the drone.

If the drone is confirmed to belong to India, the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) will hand it over to Indian authorities, the spokesman said.

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Sri Lanka in discussion with IMF on SOE restructuring; says privatization is not first option

Sri Lanka’s new government led by ruling National People’s Power (NPP) is in discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the restructuring of state owned enterprises (SOE) and it will not opt for privatization as the first option, Cabinet Spokesman Nalinda Jayatissa said.

Soon after the election of President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, his interim government said it would not privatize state-owned national carrier SriLankan Airlines. Later, it said a decision would be taken after the November 14 parliamentary election.

It is not clear what will be done with SriLankan which also has a defaulted bond and other loans. The last administration was also planning the privatize several state ventures which were hit by procedural delays.

“The last government appointed a committee to look into restructuring which was only meant for selling the assets,” Jayatissa, also the Minister of Mass Media and Health told reporters on Tuesday (31) at the weekly post-cabinet media briefing.

“They were planning to sell by divesting from the government. Our government policy is different

“We have handed over these institutions to ministries to assess them and see how best we can use them to the country’s development,” he said.

“We don’t consider institution wise, we see where Sri Lanka Telecom stands in the country’s economy in the future, where SriLankan Airlines stands in the country’s tourism and economy. We consider all the institutions in that way. So, we are trying to manage these institutions with that vision.”


The SOE restructuring is considered as important as debt restructuring, because most of the state institutions run by the government had been mismanaged and running at a loss with the tax payers had to bear the losses.

The previous government led by Ranil Wickremsinghe called bids for state-owned Hotel Developers Lanka Ltd, Canwill Holdings Pvt Ltd, Lanka Hospitals Corporation PLC, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC, Litro Gas Lanka Limited, Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Life Ltd, and Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation General Ltd.

Cabinet spokesman said privatization will only be the second step, if the current move with regard to SOE fails.

“Let’s see how we can make these institutions productive without corruption in the government and institutions. Our first effort is to keep these institutions under the government and make them contribute to the country’s development. If that effort fails only we will have to consider the second step.”

The impact of state enterprises on public finances as well as state banks has been an issue that the IMF program has tried to address as particularly the debt of Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and Sri Lankan figured in the default restructuring.

“We are discussing with the IMF. Some of the concessions are being given while discussing with the IMF and within the existing (IMF) framework. IMF also has not put forward rigid conditions that can’t be changed,” Jayatissa said when asked if there is a pressure from the IMF for restructuring.

“If they (IMF) have the confidence on the country’s spending and revenue, we can change certain things. In fact we are considering how important these conditions and these institutions are for our country and benefits for people.”

“The IMF is on one side and the government is on the other side. We are discussing with the IMF aiming on the country’s goal with the people’s aspirations. They have been continuing the disbursement while we are explaining them the issues from the public point of view. We are carrying forward the discussion in a way it will give least pressure to the public.”

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Air Force to get 8 Bell helicopters from the USA & trainer aircraft from Pakistan

The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) is to enhance its air capabilities with the addition of eight Bell 206 helicopters from the United States and an FT-7 trainer aircraft from Pakistan this year, the Daily Mirror learns.

Commander of the LAF Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa said that the United States will deliver eight TH-57 Sea Ranger Bell 206 helicopters to the SLAF in the first quarter of 2025.

This addition follows long-term discussions between Sri Lanka and the U.S. and aims to bolster the SLAF’s air capabilities. The TH-57 Sea Ranger, a military variant of the Bell 206, is primarily used for training and operational missions by the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

Furthermore, during bilateral talks with Pakistan during Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa’s visit, the SLAF secured a FT-7 trainer aircraft as a grant. The Commander said that the SLAF will receive the jet in the near future, further strengthening the Air Force’s fleet.

Last September, the SLAF received a Beechcraft King Air 360ER aircraft from the United States, followed by a Beechcraft King Air 350 from Australia in December. These aircraft are designed to improve Sri Lanka’s capabilities in search and rescue operations, drug interdiction, and combating trafficking and smuggling.

They will also enhance the country’s maritime surveillance efforts and reinforce US-Sri Lanka defence cooperation.

Air Marshal Rajapaksa said that with those aircraft the SLAF has already initiated surveillance operations in Sri Lanka’s seas to combat maritime threats such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and illegal fishing, while also protecting local fishermen and naval personnel from piracy.

In addition to these new acquisitions, the SLAF is in the process of modernizing its fleet of Kfir fighter jets. An agreement signed with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) in 2021 will see five Kfir jets upgraded.

The Commander confirmed that the upgraded C12 Kfir jets, replacing the older C2 and C3 models, will be integrated into the SLAF fleet in 2025. These jets will play a crucial role in surveillance operations across the Indian Ocean.

As part of its fleet expansion, the SLAF also procured two Chinese-made Y12 aircraft last year.

The SLAF is further enhancing its defence capabilities by acquiring modern drone security systems and new air defence and radar systems.

“By acquiring modern drone security units and advanced air defence weapons, the SLAF has initiated a programme in collaboration with the government to upgrade both the air defence and radar systems. As the government aims to boost the economy by enhancing the tourism industry, the Sri Lanka Air Force has also launched several programmes to support these efforts,” the commander said.

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New Chief of National Intelligence appointed

The Defence Ministry has announced the appointment of Major General (Retired) Ruwan Wanigasooriya as the Chief of National Intelligence, effective from yesterday (January 1).

He received his letter of appointment from Defence Secretary Air Vice Marshal Sampath Thuyacontha (Retd), yesterday (Jan 01).

Subsequently Maj. Gen. Wanigasooriya (Retd) has assumed duties in his new position at his office at the Defence Ministry in Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Maj. Gen. Wanigasooriya (Retd) has been appointed to the position of Chief of National Intelligence, which fell vacant following the retirement of Major General Ruwan Kulatunga, who served as the Chief of National Intelligence.

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Emirates to Increase Flights to Sri Lanka in 2025

Emirates will increase flight frequencies on its Dubai-Colombo route in 2025, increasing passenger capacity on the Sri Lanka service by 30 percent.

Emirates Airlines is expanding its Dubai-Colombo, Sri Lanka route with a new daily flight starting January 2, 2025.

This strategic addition will increase passenger capacity by 30 percent, supporting Sri Lanka’s ambitious tourism goals for the coming year and strengthening the vital air connection between the two destinations.

New Service Dubai-Colombo in 2025

The new service, operating as EK654/655, will initially run six times weekly through March 31, 2025. Passengers can board flight EK654 from Dubai International Airport at 10:05 AM (except Wednesdays). The flight lands at Bandaranaike International Airport at 4:00 PM local time.

The return flight departs Colombo at 10:05 PM, reaching Dubai at 1:05 AM the next day. This carefully planned schedule allows for convenient connections to Emirates’ extensive global network.

Starting April 1, 2025, the schedule expands to include Wednesdays, with adjusted timings to better serve traveler needs.

The Wednesday flight will leave Colombo at 10:05 PM, touching down in Dubai at 12:55 AM. The return service departs Dubai at 1:20 PM. It then arrives in Colombo at 7:15 PM, providing passengers with additional flexibility in their travel plans.

Travelers on the new route will enjoy Emirates’ signature luxury experience aboard its Boeing 777 aircraft. The aircraft features eight First Class suites offering unparalleled privacy and comfort.

This is complemented by 42 Business Class seats equipped with state-of-the-art amenities. A further 310 Economy Class seats are supports, with all designed for optimal comfort during long-haul flights.

This addition complements Emirates’ existing services – two direct Dubai-Colombo flights and one daily route via Male, bringing the total daily service to four flights.

Collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism

The expansion significantly strengthens Emirates’ longstanding partnership with Sri Lanka Tourism. Together, they actively promote Sri Lanka’s diverse attractions across Emirates’ global network, showcasing the island nation’s rich heritage and natural wonders.

This collaboration aligns perfectly with Sri Lanka’s new focus on attracting eco-conscious travelers and their ambitious goal of welcoming 3 million visitors by 2025.

Emirates’ relationship with Sri Lanka spans nearly four decades, beginning in April 1986. Throughout this period, the airline has consistently supported the country’s tourism and trade sectors, carrying over 12 million passengers to and from Colombo.

The enhanced schedule now offers more than 2,800 daily seats between the two cities and can transport up to 160 tonnes of cargo per day, providing crucial support for both tourism and trade connections.

This capacity increase demonstrates Emirates’ continued commitment to Sri Lanka’s economic growth and tourism development, while offering travelers more choices and improved connectivity to destinations worldwide through its Dubai hub.

Source: Aviation Source News

STF security only for Prez and PM

Armed forces protection won’t be available for any politician

In line with the NPP government’s policy in respect of provision of security to those who faced threats, only the President and Prime Minister will be given STF security, authoritative sources say.Over the years successive governments assigned the STF for the protection of various political leaders.

Sources said that having considered threat assessments, a decision had been made to cease deployment of armed forces for the protection of politicians, regardless of their status.

The armed forces defeated the LTTE in 2009 and since then there have not been attempts to target any politician or retired and serving armed forces officers.

During the war, armed forces developed their own VIP security units in support of the Presidential Security Division (PSD) and the Ministerial Security Division (MSD). Some of those high on the LTTE hit list such as late Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar and TULF Leader V. Anandasangaree received protection from Army Commandos.

Gen. Shavendra Silva speaks out on ‘Aragalaya’ controversy after retiring

The former Army Commander and Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Shavendra Silva, has officially retired from the service today (31), concluding a remarkable 41-year career dedicated to safeguarding Sri Lanka’s security and sovereignty.

A formal ceremony marking his retirement was held this afternoon (31) at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH).

In a detailed statement issued ahead of his retirement, General Silva reflected on certain significant events that transpired during his tenure, including the civil unrest of 2022, also known as the ‘Aragalaya’ protest movement.

“The civil unrest in the country in 2022 was a complex process in my military career that revealed who my true friends and true enemies are. The state army is an official armed force that stands ready to protect the people in the event of a threat to the state, whether external or internal,” he stated.

“The 2022 uprising was an internal civil unrest. I ordered the army to use only minimal force to control the protesters. I did not want any ordinary innocent citizen to die from a military bullet.”

“I was not eager to become a fanatical mass murderer wielding official authority against an unarmed population. The result is that the country did not descend into anarchy. An example of this is the negative consequences of military operations currently being carried out to suppress popular protests in neighboring states,” he said.

Addressing accusations leveled against him, General Silva rejected claims of personal ambitions. “As power-hungry rulers claim, I did not have the obscene and evil purpose of overthrowing the state. Nor did I have the lowly desire to become a pawn of a foreign country or a pet of a foreign embassy. If that were the case, why would I have used the Air Force to rescue the Prime Minister, who was also the fifth Executive President of the country at the time, by dispersing protesters and saving his life?”

“Why would I have driven away the majority of protesters who came to burn down the houses of politicians and saved those houses? Yet, the state rulers’ interpretation of my tactical strategies during the struggle was unfavorable to me,” he noted.

Reflecting on the latter part of his career, he explained, “While serving as only the second Army Commander to hold the rank of four-star General in the history of the Sri Lankan military, I was seven months away from retiring from service on May 31, 2022, when the authorities officially transferred me from the post of Army Commander to Chief of Defence Staff.”

“Shortly thereafter, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had to flee the country while I was attending a national security conference abroad with state permission, having resigned as Army Commander and serving as the Chief of Defence Staff,” he added.

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