The content of the resolution was not in line with the expectations of the Tamil people so TELO sent the UK FCO a letter

A prototype of the British-led resolution on Sri Lanka was unveiled at a meeting of the Human Rights Commission beginning on February 22. The day before yesterday, TELO, through its UK branch, sent a message to the British Foreign Office stating that the content of the resolution was not in line with the expectations of the Tamil people at a time when efforts were being made to implement the resolution at the British-led Commission on Human Rights.

We are in receipt of the draft resolution and thanking you and the core group for the effort taken.

We appreciate your PP7 and OP6 in the resolution and kindly request to pay attention to include more constructive and conclusive clauses keeping in line with the HCHR report of 12th Jan 2021 and the request of the Tamil Nationalistic party leaders enclosed hereto.

You will appreciate that we have been trying to bring justice to the Tamil People of Sri Lanka since the end of genocidal war 2009, to inquire the atrocity crimes including genocide, war crimes and crime against humanity by

Accountability Mechanism available in International Law ICC, ICJ, or similar mechanism or a Special Tribunal

establishing Independent International Investigatory Mechanism IIIM to support the accountability Mechanism.

Mandating the OHCHR to appoint field officers in Sri Lanka to monitor and the Human Rights violations

Referring the matter to the Secretary General of the UN for appropriate action

A lasting political solution to the Tamil People recognizing our right to self-determination and North and east as our traditional homeland with international mediation.

We were confident when the report of the High Commissioner was released and observe that the strength lost in the draft resolution not only deviating from the report (12th Jan 2021) but leaving out many clauses in the previous resolutions namely 30/1, 34/1 and 40/1

We feel that our call for justice is weakened, our people’s faith in depending on UNHRC system and core group with the draft resolution which we still feel will be amended to meet the requirements of the people who cry for justice not leaving room for the parties committed the crime to escape.